The cost of fuel will be high for the foreseeable future, and jet fuel is the airlines 'greatest expense. 燃油成本在可预见的未来依然很高,而航空燃油是航空公司最大的一块费用支出。
This can be done by placing future profitable opportunities in such entities, or making deals with such entities on terms that favor them at the expense of Alibaba. 要做到这一点,可以采用的方式是把未来的赚钱机会放到此类实体中,或是与之做交易时达成对阿里巴巴不利的条款。
In the future they might have a more subtle use-to manipulate the mix of bugs within a human, so that good bugs spread at the expense of bad ones. 未来它将出现在更加精密的使用方式中&混合人体内不同类型微生物,以此通过消耗有害微生物来传播有益微生物。
Through the improvement to the expense financial service, the future revenue will transfer reasonably the part the current expense. 通过改进对消费的金融服务,把部分未来收入合理地转为当前消费。
A few days later, Dell not only offered me a thorough briefing about their current and future operations but suggested that I take a trip out to Ireland, at the company's expense, to see the Dell machine in action. 数天后,戴尔公司不仅主动向我详尽讲述了其当前和未来的业务状况,而且还建议我去一趟爱尔兰(由他们承担费用),看看戴尔业务的运作情况。
If they are elected, then he has ensured his safe passage into the future at the expense of the country which will continue to deteriorate under military rule. 而如果这些人被推选出来了,那么丹瑞就能确保自己安全过渡到未来。当然这些都是要以国家利益为代价的,因为在军人统治之下,缅甸局势将会继续恶化。
Any future changes to Appendix Crequested by Party B shall be subject to the written approval of Party A, and any cost and expense arising out of such request shall be borne by Party B. 乙方要求对附件C作出的任何改变应得到甲方的书面同意,由此而产生的任何费用由乙方承担。
Therefore, China should not plan its future development according to occidental living expense. We must conduct policies of saving our resources and protecting our environment on the basis of science and technology. 中国不能按欧美人均消费标准规划未来的发展,而必须走资源节约、环境保护的发展道路。
The western theory of the consumption function believes that the main factors that influence the residential consumption demand are the income of residents and the forecast of future income and expense. 西方消费函数理论认为影响居民消费需求的主要因素是居民的收入以及对未来收入和支出的预期。
Future will be manifests the time which the individuality will expend, Along with the technical progress, the product multiplicity can Suitable peoples expense need, the people will urge the individuality expense to the product design and the use participation the maturity and the imperfectness. 未来是体现个性消费的时代,随着科技的进步,产品的多样性会满足人们的消费需求,人们对产品的设计和使用的参与性将促使个性化消费的成熟和完善。
Finally, according to the malignant tumor medicine fees account for serious illness medical expenditure proportion and serious illness insurance cost and reasonable profit can be calculated out of a total of Anhui Province, the future of a serious illness insurance medical expense. 最后根据恶性肿瘤医药费占大病医药费支出比重和大病保险的经营成本、合理利润这两组数据分析,便可测算出安徽省未来大病保险医药费用支出总额。
This article regarding future related cross straits four place traveling expense researches, can provide a basic reference data. 本研究对未来有关两岸四地的旅游消费研究,提供了一定参考数据。